Carrot cake with cream

Carrot cake with cream topping

Why we chose this dish

Our Pupils’ Choice

"This is my favourite" Emily and Arthur, New Inn

"It’s amazing, the best carrot cake I’ve ever had" Bethany, Garnteg

"This is my favourite because it tastes like carrots" Tyler, New Inn

"I like the texture" Lola

Our Dietitian’s Choice

"Never missing a chance to sweeten with fruit or veg, this sponge contains grated carrots. A portion of this sponge provides your child’s daily requirements for Vitamin C. But why the cream topping? A small amount of fat is vital in the diet to supply the body with fat soluble vitamins. In this case, the Vitamin A provided in the grated carrots is boosted with the addition of a small amount of cream to make this dessert a good source of Vitamin A. Why Vitamin A? Vitamin A is important for a healthy immune system and skin and also assists our sight in dim light.

Worried about calories, fat or sugar? Our recipes and menus are carefully considered to ensure pupils are not being served excess calories.

I personally undertake nutritional analysis of our primary menus prior to publishing to ensure that they meet Welsh Government Standards for school lunches. This means that they contain on average around a third of pupils’ daily nutrient requirements. This includes ensuring calories fat, saturated fat and sugar are within acceptable levels for good health."

Last Modified: 04/09/2024 Back to top

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