Battered Pollock served with chips, peas and bread and spread

Battered Pollock served with chips, peas and bread and spread

Why we chose this dish

Our Pupils’ Choice

"I like the fish because it is just really nice – when it goes down it makes me feel nice inside" Leah, Garnteg

"Really tasty" Ffion, Garnteg

Our Dietitian’s Choice

"White fish is a good source of quality protein and several different vitamins and minerals. We only use responsibly sourced (Marine Conservation Society Sustainability Rating of 2) quality pollock fillet portions, on this occasion, it is served in a crispy batter. Our fish, along with our chips are oven baked on site to ensure no additional oil is added by our cooks when they prepare this, limiting the fat and saturated fat intake of this dish. Served with peas, a traditional accompaniment contributing to our 5 a day, these are also a good source of iron."

Last Modified: 03/09/2024 Back to top

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