Monitoring Torfaen LDP Housing Delivery
Up until March 2020 housing delivery of the adopted Torfaen LDP used to be monitored through the publication of an annual Torfaen ‘Joint Housing Land Availability Study’ (JHLAS) under Welsh Government’s Technical Advice Note 1 (TAN1) on JHLAS. However, following a Welsh Government ‘Review of the Delivery of Housing through the Planning System’, the Minister announced the revocation of TAN1 and changes to the ‘Housing Delivery’ section of Planning Policy Wales (PPW11) and the Development Plans Manual (DPMv3) in March 2020.
These changes removed the five-year housing land supply policy requirement and replaced it with a policy statement making it explicit that the housing trajectory, as set out in the adopted LDP, will be the basis for monitoring the delivery of development plan housing requirements as part of the LDP Annual Monitoring Report (AMR); with the new DPMv3 providing additional guidance on the process of monitoring against the housing trajectory. Under these revisions, the Average Annual Requirement (AAR) methodology will be used for monitoring housing delivery in the adopted Torfaen LDP; and the Anticipated Annual Build Rate (AABR) method will be used for monitoring the Replacement LDP in the future.
The Torfaen LDP 2024 AMR contains the latest housing delivery monitoring data for 2023-24; which we have reproduced in the attached extract for your convenience:
Last Modified: 11/11/2024
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