Local Development Plan
What is the LDP?
The current Local Development Plan (LDP) was adopted on the 3 December 2013 and identifies where new developments such as housing, employment, community facilities, and roads, will go. It provides a framework for local decision-making and brings together both development and conservation interests to ensure that any changes in the use of land are coherent and provides maximum benefits to the community.
The LDP sets out the council's land use policies and proposals to control development in the county borough up to 2021 and beyond (the LDP will remain an extant ‘development plan’ until it is superseded by the Adopted Torfaen Replacement Local Development Plan currently being prepared, expected October 2022), and provides the basis for land use planning in the County Borough by which planning applications will be determined. The plan gives a clear indication of where development will be encouraged and where it will be resisted.
Adopted Torfaen LDP
How do I get a copy of the plan?
The Local Development Plan consists of a Written Statement and Appendices, together with Proposals Maps for the North and South of the Borough identifying allocations and proposals from the LDP Written Statement Policies. A separate Constraints Map has been produced which illustrates planning considerations/constraints outside the control of the LDP. This map however does not contain any proposals or planning policy information and does not form part of the LDP. These documents can be downloaded below:
A short Summary Leaflet is also available which covers the headline aspects of the Adopted Torfaen Local Development Plan, it's strategies and proposals. The leaflet is available in both English and Welsh.
Annual studies
Following the adoption, we have a duty to keep all matters under review that are expected to affect the development of its area. This is done through a number of studies, undertaken on an annual basis:
Other Local Development Plan Documents
Sustainability Appraisal Report (incorporating environmental report)
The Sustainability Appraisal Report (incorporating Focused Changes) (March 2012) as amended by the SA Addendum of Further Focused Changes (December 2012), SA Addendum of recommended Matters Arising Changes and Matters Arising Changes (July 2013) and the SA Addendum of Inspector’s Changes (December 2013) comprise the Sustainability Appraisal Report of the final LDP. Details are included in the following documents:
Last Modified: 23/05/2023
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