Replacement Torfaen Local Development Plan
Delivery Agreement (DA)
Torfaen Council approved an original Delivery Agreement for the Torfaen RLDP (2022-2037); which was agreed by the Welsh Government in a letter dated 20th July 2023. Following Council approval on 19th November 2024, a Revised Delivery Agreement for the Replacement Torfaen Local Development Plan (RLDP) 2022-2037 was agreed by the Welsh Government in a letter dated 25th November 2024. The Delivery Agreement sets out a timetable for the Plan’s production, including when we will consult stakeholders at various stages; and a Community Involvement Scheme of how you can be involved. A bilingual (Welsh & English) Executive Summary has also been prepared.
Get Involved
If you wish to be informed about the progress of the new RLDP (2022-2037) / associated documents and supplementary planning guidance, including the Candidate Sites process and subsequent consultations, please register your interest here. Please note, all personal information disclosed to us will be processed in accordance with our Replacement Local Development Plan Privacy Notice which explains how we will use your information and will only be held on our consultation database for the duration of the Plan preparation process.
Next Stage - Consultation on RLDP Preferred Strategy and associated documents
Following the public 'Call for Candidate Sites' exercise, which ran for 8 weeks between August and September 2023, the next formal stage will be the public consultation on the 'Torfaen RLDP (2022-2037): Preferred Strategy' and associated 'Sustainability Appraisal (SA) / Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)' and 'Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)', expected in mid-2024.
At the same time, the Council will also consult on the 'Register of Candidate Sites' received which will include their associated 'Stage 1 - High Level Assessment' and undertake a Second Call for Candidate Sites / additional supporting information for sites already submitted.
The 'Development Plans Guide(s)' detailed below provide a good explanation of these documents and plan making stage, as well as information on our separate Candidate Sites webpage.
Local Development Plan Review Report (January 2018)
The Council adopted its Local Development Plan (LDP) in December 2013. The plan guides the development and use of land in the County Borough until 2021. To ensure that Local Development Plans are kept up-to-date, local planning authorities are required to commence a review of their LDPs at least once every four years following adoption, or sooner if the findings of the Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR) indicate significant concerns with a plan’s implementation.
A review of the Torfaen Local Development Plan commenced in 2017; and the first step was the publication of the Torfaen LDP Review Report in April 2018. An Executive Summary of the Torfaen LDP Review Report is also available.
Based on the evidence contained in the Review Report, it is concluded that the LDP should be revised and that this should take the form of a full revision procedure.
Development Plans Guide
The Welsh Government and Planning Aid Wales have produced a guide to explain the development plans system and the RLDP preparation process that you may find useful. There is a full guide and summary available in both English and Welsh on their websites:
Contact Us
If you require any further information please feel free to contact the Planning Policy & Implementation Team via or telephone 01633 648039 / 648805.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
On 25th May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulations came into force, placing new restrictions on how organisations can hold and use your personal data and defining your rights with regard to that data. With reference to the Replacement Local Development Plan process, the GDPR applies to the Candidate Sites, the RLDP Consultation Database and comments received in response to all public consultations. This information will be held in accordance with the Replacement Local Development Plan GDPR Privacy Notice (Torfaen CBC) (March 2020) which can be found here or a paper copy provided on request.
Last Modified: 24/12/2024
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