Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a new levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The funds raised will go towards infrastructure needed to support growth in the Local Development Plan such as schools and transport improvements. The Draft CIL Charging Schedule sets out the CIL rates that the Council is proposing to charge in particular areas of the Borough and what types of new development will be expected to pay. The proceeds raised through CIL will be used to fund necessary infrastructure. It is a requirement that we prepare and publish a list of all infrastructure that is eligible for funding from CIL. This is set out in the Draft 123 Infrastructure List.

Update September 2024 - The Torfaen Draft CIL Charging Schedule was subject to a public consultation between 11 December 2017 - 29 January 2018; progress on which was paused whilst the Council prepared a new Torfaen Replacement Local Development Plan (RLDP) (2018-2033), included revisiting its development viability evidence.  However, the Council has withdrawn the Torfaen RLDP (2018-2033) and commenced preparation of a new Torfaen RLDP 2022-2037 in August 2023. Thus the Council will be reassessing development viability as part of the work on the new Plan in Spring 2025. Based upon the conclusions of this work, the Council will decide if it will continue to pursue the introduction of a CIL in due course.

What is CIL?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (called 'the levy' or 'CIL') allows local planning authorities to raise funds from developers who are undertaking new building projects in their area. The funds raised will go towards infrastructure that is needed to support growth, such as schools and transport improvements. CIL is applied as a charge on each square metre of new floorspace created by the development, and different rates of charge are identified for different types of development, dependent upon how viable each type of development is. The money generated from CIL can be used to fund a wide range of infrastructure that is needed to support growth in the area.

Each local authority prepares a Charging Schedule that identifies the level of CIL that will be applied to each type of chargeable development. Once introduced the CIL is mandatory and will be charged against all new development the meets the qualifying criteria. CIL must be generally ‘affordable’ for developers and must not be seen to threaten the overall viability of development in a given area.  The CIL Charging Schedule must be informed by an appropriate evidence base. Comprehensive viability studies have been carried out which set out detailed evidence on development viability across a range of sites and uses in Torfaen.

The Government has issued Community Infrastructure Levy Guidance. This document is published in a question and answer format and will cover the majority of queries you may have about CIL.

Key Stages for Adopting a CIL Charging Schedule:

Information table showing CIL Preparation stages
Stage in CIL PreparationEstimated Timetable
Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule & Draft Reg 123 List Consultation Completed

Draft Charging Schedule & Reg. 123 List Consultation

Dec 2017 - Jan 2018

Submission for Examination




CIL Examiner’s Report


Approval and Publication of Charging Schedule


Implementation of CIL Charge


Annual Monitoring Report


Last Modified: 16/09/2024
For more information contact: Planning Policy and Implementation Team

Tel: 01633 648039/8140


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