How we monitor the Plan
The activity detailed in this plan will be managed through a robust approach to project and performance management to ensure visibility of progress, risks and accountability for delivery.
The involvement of residents and stakeholders in the development of services and projects is critical to ensure that we do the right things at the right time and in the right way.
As part of the Local Government and Elections Act 2021 the council has undergone a major review of its governance and participation arrangements, resulting in clarity on how members of the public can be involved in decision making, scrutiny and holding the council to account.
We recognise and value the central role our employees play in delivering this plan and the running of our many statutory services. We will continue to invest in activities that ensures we attract and retain skilled and committed workforce, whilst making the most of working with external partners to share particular expertise to ensure this plan is delivered.
Our County Plan 2022-27 shows the outputs we will monitor to demonstrate progress and the high-level outcomes, which will evidence the success of our ambitions. Activity will be managed through a robust approach to project management to ensure visibility of progress, risks and accountability for delivery, that will form the basis of quarterly monitoring and reporting for 2022/23 and beyond.
Our service planning process will be central to delivering upon our aspirations. We are developing the process to ensure each service area’s plans are comprehensive, living documents that are the vehicle for delivering, reporting and giving account of all high-level plans and strategies. We will continue to build a culture of high performance throughout the council, regularly monitoring the impact of our actions to enable us to develop as an organisation and achieve our aspirations for Torfaen.
- Councillor Anthony Hunt - Leader of Torfaen Council
- Councillor Richard Clark - Deputy Leader of Torfaen Council/Cabinet Member for Education
- Councillor Sue Morgan - Cabinet Member for Resources
- Councillor David Daniels - Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Housing
- Councillor Fiona Cross - Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Communities
- Councillor Joanne Gauden - Cabinet Member for Economy, Skills and Regeneration
- Councillor Amanda Owen - Cabinet Member for the Environment
- Councillor Peter Jones - Cabinet Member for Corporate Governance and Performance
Last Modified: 14/02/2023
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