Programme / Strategy | Activity / Milestones / Measures | Team | Target / Milestone 2024/25 |
Community & Well-being Strategy |
- Work across the council in order develop community resilience and reduce the need for and burden on statutory services
Children & Family Services
Reduction of demand / referrals
Reduction of Children Looked After from end of March 2024 baseline.
Ongoing throughout 2024/25
Council Tax and Benefit Support |
- To maximise benefits take up for customers by providing advice as required and referrals as appropriate (demand led)
Deputy Chief Executive - Resources
Advice provided via referrals as appropriate
- To administer Housing Benefits accurately in line with DWP regulations (demand led)
£24 million Housing Benefits awarded
- To award Discretionary Housing Payments in line with the relevant council policy
£429,000 Discretionary Housing Payments awarded |
- To administer the Council Tax Reduction Scheme efficiently (demand led)
£10.3 million awarded to 9,600 recipients through Council Tax Reduction Scheme |
- To award Free School Meals
4,400 Free School Meals awarded |
Benefits and Financial Assessments |
- To award school uniform grants
Deputy Chief Executive - Resources
3,600 school uniform grants awarded
- To award guardianship/adoption payments
200 guardian/adoption payments awarded
- To carry out social care means testing assessments
1,000 social care means test assessments completed
Domiciliary Care Strategy |
- Using the learning from the North Area pilot seek a provider to pilot in the South Area to inform a future patched based commissioning model which will improve outcomes for residents and capacity in the domiciliary care market
Adult Services
Q3: Expressions of interest returned
Q4: Southern Patch in Place
- Increase the use of assistive technology to compliment or replace direct care services in order to support people to maintain and achieve greater levels of independence
Adult Services
Q3: Assistive Tech strategy in place
- Develop recruitment and retention interventions for all Social Care workers in Torfaen to enable a stable workforce to be able to be maintained
Adult Services
Q2: Scope of Intervention completed
- Implement & monitor the first years' performance of the new Information, Advice and Assistance Service (IAA) Service (Front Door)
Adult Services
Q1: Service Implementation completed
Q3: System Review completed
- Implement & monitor the first years' performance of the new Reablement Service
Adult Services
Q1: Service Implementation completed
Q3: System Review completed
- Prepare procurement of a new Care Management System (for 2025/26 implementation)
Adult Services
Q1: Scope Confirmed |
Communities Strategy |
- Review and align community commissioning (Major Third Sector Grant Review) to ensure that it aligns to the Advice, Assistance & Prevention requirements in each of our communities
Communities & Renewal
End April (Q1): Agree the scope for the Major Third Sector grant review including project milestones
Q2: Present recommendations for approval and timeline for implementation
Q3: Sign off
- Work with each Community Council to prepare an action plan for how we will work together to improve resilience and wellbeing in their community
Communities & Renewal
Q1: Action Plans agreed with each Community Council area
Q1: Introduce and roll out trauma informed training into community hubs
Q1: Identify and empower community leaders to develop community infrastructure
Q2: Deliver "Train the Trainer" style training to community leaders
Q2: Align our community champions programme to Integrated Wellbeing Network Approach
Q3: Sign off
Community Well-being Strategy |
- Number of Community Connector case closures that were not subsequently opened to social care for assessment in the next 6 months
Communities & Renewal
100 Community Connector case closures not subsequently opened to social care for assessment in the next 6 months
- Record the number of Community Connector case closures who have maintained or improved independence
30 Community Connector case closures who have maintained or improved independence
- Participants who achieve an improvement in mental health & wellbeing on exit from the Building Resilient Communities programme
110 participants who have achieved an improvement in mental health & wellbeing on exit from the Building Resilient Communities programme
- Number of community halls delivering additional information, advice or assistance that meets the identified community wellbeing priorities
10 community halls delivering information, advice or assistance
Community Well-being Strategy |
- Maintain the proportion of people who find the libraries Job Claimants support service helpful at 98% or above
Customer, Digital, ICT & Libraries
98% of people find the job claimants support service helpful
Housing Support Grant
- Deliver the 2024/25 Rapid Rehousing Plan and Housing Support Grant programmes as part of our aim to prevent homelessness and provide individuals who are homeless with the right accommodation and support
Q2: Completion of Pearl House & triage
Q3: Training Needs Audit
Q4: Decommission 14 Poor Quality TA Units
- Reshape and refocus the youth accommodation pathway in order to deliver better outcomes for young people in need and at risk of homelessness
Review completed Q2 2024/25 |
- Add 20 additional supported housing units and realign supported accommodation provision to reduce those at risk of homelessness
20 additional supported housing units provided to those at risk of homelessness by March 2025 |
- Prevent homelessness in at least 50% of cases where there is a risk of homelessness
<50% of homelessness cases prevented |
- Percentage of households placed in temporary accommodation for 6 months or more at the end of each quarter
<20% of households placed in temporary accommodation for 6 months or more |
Universal Free School Meals |
- Serve a total of 702,000 nutritious meals to primary pupils
Catering & Cleaning Service
702,000 meals served to primary pupils by March 2025
Local Development Plan |
- We will secure affordable homes through the planning system
Planning and Building Control
Application led
- We will secure 150 affordable homes to market during the last 3 years of the County Plan.
50 homes (during 2024/25)
A Healthier Wales: Our Plan for Health and Social Care; Housing (Wales) Act 2014; and Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016) |
- We will improve housing standards and identify risks to health and safety by responding to and learning from complaints from residents about private rented properties
Housing Safety and Environmental Protection
March 2025
Food resilience and Food 4 Growth Shared Prosperity Programme |
- Create and deliver a Food Strategy based upon the Growing Food Connections consultancy report aimed at delivering the Torfaen Good Food Priorities contained within the Torfaen Food Charter. This will be achieved by the creation of a comprehensive action plan for the year 2025-2026
Economic Development , Assets & Property
Strategy and Action Plan in place by March 2025
- Deliver a business focused Food Development Grant Scheme
£150,000 - total 19 Food Development Grants to be provided
- Deliver a Community Food Scheme, supporting third sector community food projects to improve accessibility to affordable and healthy food.
£272,000 - total 17 Community Food Scheme grants to be provided |