Risk Monitoring
There is a requirement under the Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 for Councils to be accountable for the performance of their services and to ensure appropriate mechanisms are in place to keep performance under review through robust self-assessment. Our governance arrangements play a vital role in enabling us to deliver our functions and use our resources effectively. The managing and monitoring of risks forms part of those governance arrangements.
A key part of the Council’s arrangements in meeting this statutory responsibility is having a single approach to risk management operating throughout the Council. As such a continuous and developing process is in place which is reviewed on a regular basis so that the Council is in a strong position to:
- Deliver its priorities;
- Provide improved services to the public;
- Work better as a partner with other organisations; and
- Achieve value for money.
The Council has a procedure for identifying and managing risks. Each identified risk is allocated a likelihood and impact score that assigns it as either a Corporate, Directorate or Service tier of risk.
All directorates propose mitigating actions to address the identified risks . The effectiveness of these mitigating actions are monitored on a quarterly basis and the level of each risk reassessed so the Council is aware of any potential threats to service provision or lost opportunities.
A copy of the Council’s current Risk Register can be viewed here.
Last Modified: 07/06/2024
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