Our annual self-assessment and well-being report

Our ‘Annual Self-Assessment and Well-Being Report’ sets out an annual self-assessment of how we are performing and where we focus our attentions in the year ahead.

We are required, like all public bodies across Wales to comply with certain duties. Our ‘Annual Self-Assessment and Well-Being Report’, combines our statutory reporting requirements and statutory publishing duties, under both the Well-being of Future Generations (WBFG) Act 2015 and the Local Government and Elections (LGE) Act 2021, requiring us to:

  • Publish an annual report of our progress against our Well-being objectives (our well-being objectives can be found in the County Plan 2022 - 2027); and
  • Publish an annual Self-Assessment Report setting out the extent to which we are meeting our performance requirements.

Alongside our County Plan, to help us assess the extent to which we are meeting our performance requirements we have developed a framework which sets out what we believe are the characteristics of an outstanding council.

The LGE Act 2021 places a number of duties on public bodies but at the heart of the performance regime is the requirement for all councils to keep their performance arrangements under review. We will do this through robust, continuous self-assessment. An overview of our findings and our commitments for further improvement and development are published in our annual report.

The WBFG Act 2015 put into law seven priority well-being goals that all public bodies are required to work towards, detailing the way in which public bodies must work, and work together to improve the well-being of Wales.

In working towards these goals, public bodies are required to consider the long-term impact of their decisions, to work better with people, communities and each other, and to prevent persistent problems such as poverty, health inequalities and climate change. Our annual report sets out how the sustainable delivery of our services has contributed to the delivery of our objectives and their contribution to the national well-being goals.

Full details of the Council’s latest and previous reports can be found below:

Last Modified: 18/02/2025
For more information contact:

Improvement Team

Tel: 01495 742158

Email: improvement@torfaen.gov.uk

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