Risk Register

Risk Register
Risk RefRisk ScoreTier of RiskDescription of RiskLikelihood ScoreLikelihood DescriptionImpact ScoreImpact DescriptionCurrent Direction of TravelOriginal Expected Date of De-escalationRevised Estimated date of De-escalationTreat or TolerateResponsible Officer
1 20 Corporate There is a risk that capital investment in schools under the Sustainable Communities for Learning Programme will not happen because of a lack of available funding. 5 Certain 4 Major Static Q4 23/24 Unknown Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
23 16 Corporate There is a risk that Torfaen will not meet the long-term Welsh Governments Statutory recycling targets due to lack of correct recycling behaviour of residents resulting in substantial fines to the Council. 4 Almost certain 4 Major Static  Dec 2024   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
61 20 Corporate There is a risk that due to failing to meet statutory recycling targets (70%) in 2024-25 that the Council will incur fines from Welsh Government. 5 Certain 4 Major Increasing Mar-25   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
72 16 Corporate There is a risk that the Council fails to ensure that future generations living in Torfaen cannot benefit from biodiverse natural environment that supports their well-being. The successful delivery of the Climate and Nature Emergency Delivery Plan is dependent on new and emerging technology and measurement tools. Therefore, the current risk is our ability to fully understand the impact of our planned actions. 4 Almost certain 4 Major Static Annual Update Q1 2024/25   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
74 20 Corporate There is a risk that the Council fails to adequately support, lead and facilitate the Borough to become net zero carbon by 2050.  The successful delivery of the Climate and Nature Emergency Delivery Plan is dependent on new and emerging technology and measurement tools. Therefore, the current risk is our ability to fully understand the impact of our planned actions. 4 Almost certain 5 Critical Static Annual Update Q1 2024/25   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
81 16 Corporate There is a risk that the Council fails to deliver key property/asset management  projects/programmes due to a shortage of skilled and experienced staff resources 4 Almost certain 4 Major Static Ongoing Monitoring   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
100 16 Corporate There is a risk that the condition of the roof at Ty Coch bulking and baling facility could affect recycling processing at the site, affecting the Council’s recycling collection operations and recycling rate.   4 Almost certain 4 Major Static Jun-24 Mar-25 Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
101 16 Corporate There is a risk that Torfaen will not be able to fulfil our statutory duty to safeguard our most vulnerable citizens if a replacement care management system is not in place when the WCCIS contract ends.  4 Almost certain 4 Major Static Unknown   Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
103 16 Corporate There is a risk that support for school improvement will deteriorate if an effective alternative to the current regional consortia model arrangement with the Education Achievement Service is not in place by September 2025. 4 Almost certain 4 Major New Oct-25   Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
4 12 Directorate There is a risk that increasing numbers and complexity of referrals from the dependant adult population will place an increased strain on demand led (statutory) services creating inappropriate waiting times posing a threat to the independence , autonomy and outcomes of individuals in need of care and support. 3 Likely 4 Major Static Sep-24   Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
8 10 Directorate There is a risk that the Council could fail to maintain continuity of service provision in its buildings due to resource constraints and the ageing nature of assets (including structure, plant and services). 2 Possible  5 Critical Static Ongoing Monitoring   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
11 10 Directorate There is a risk that the Council may become financially unsustainable if an appropriate corporate, service and medium-term financial plan is not agreed. 2 Possible  5 Critical Static Annual Review date Feb 25   Treat Deputy Chief Exec  
14 12 Directorate There is a risk that the demand for quality / affordable homes and housing need will not be met if we are unable to increase supply. 4 Likely 3 Moderate Static Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
21 12 Directorate There is a risk that without sufficient funding the condition of the council's highway network will continue to deteriorate. 4 Almost certain 3 Moderate Static Q3 24/25   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
49A 10 Directorate There is a risk to  health and safety from natural hazards on the publicly accessible site at the British. 2 Possible  5 Critical Static Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
49B 12 Directorate There is a risk that failure to complete the phase 1 works at the British could have a reputational and financial impact. 3 Likely 4 Major Static Jun-24 Sep-24 Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
54 9 Directorate There is a risk of a weakened statutory local policy framework to determine planning applications / appeals after 31st March 2021 when the adopted Torfaen Local Development Plan reached its end date. 3 Likely 3 Moderate Static Review Dec 2026   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
58 12 Directorate There is a risk to people, property and the environment from falling trees and tree limbs caused by Ash Dieback, a fungal disease affecting Ash Trees (Fraxinus Excelsior). 3 Likely 4 Major Static Mar-25   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
64 9 Directorate There is a risk that standards may fail to improve at the appropriate pace as a consequence of identified issues in the quality of teaching, learning and leadership in one of our secondary schools. 3 Likely 3 Moderate Decreasing Q1 24/25 Q4 24/25 Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
70 12 Directorate There is a risk that there could be movement of coal tips within Torfaen with the potential to damage property, assets or land. 3 Likely 4 Major Static To be reviewed once the Legislation is passed   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
73 12 Directorate There is a risk that the Council fails to become net carbon zero by 2030.  The successful delivery of the Climate and Nature Emergency Delivery Plan is dependent on new and emerging technology and measurement tools. Therefore, the current risk is our ability to fully understand the impact of our planned actions. 3 Likely 4 Major Static Annual Update Q1 2024/25   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
76 15 Directorate There is a risk that due to the changes in Welsh Government Homelessness policy “No One Left Out” there will be a significant rise in homelessness cases and an insufficient supply of temporary accommodation to those individuals owed a duty under the Housing Wales Act 2014. 5 Almost certain 3 Moderate Static Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
77 12 Directorate There is a risk that outcomes for learners will not improve, especially in our secondary schools.   3 Likely 4 Major Static Q1 24/25 Q2 24/25 Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
79 12 Directorate There is a risk that provision for learners, including those with Additional Learning Needs will not be as good as it could be unless strategic leadership in the Education Service improves. 3 Likely 4 Major Static Q1 24/25 Q3 24/25 Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
80 12 Directorate There is a risk that bus operators may de-register bus services throughout 2024/2025 which will impact the longer term viability of bus services throughout Torfaen and result in accessibility difficulties and possible isolation of vulnerable people. 3 Possible  4 Major Static Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director Economy & Environment
87 9 Directorate There is a risk that the Council finds itself unable to let properties within its commercial portfolio due incremental changes in the MEES (Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards) regulations, resulting in a diminishing annual income stream and lower asset values over time. 3 Likely 3 Moderate Static Jul-24   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
89 12 Directorate There is a risk of our ability to deliver transformative activity and to become a more efficient Council will be hindered if we are not maximising the benefits of the digital tools available to us and helping our staff to embrace the tools we have available. 4 Almost certain 3 Moderate Static Dec-24 Mar-25 Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
95 9 Directorate There is a risk that schools will be unable to provide an effective and safe learning environment if there are inadequate and/or ineffective repair or maintenance of school buildings and/or sites. 3 Likely 3 Moderate Static Annual Review Date Q3 24/25   Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
97 9 Directorate There is a risk to health and safety of building users and staff due to ongoing uncertainty around building management arrangements.  3 Likely 3 Moderate Static Apr-24 Aug-24 Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
98 12 Directorate There is a risk that if attendance at school remains significantly below pre-pandemic levels the attainment and wellbeing of children will be negatively impacted. 3 Likely 4 Major Static Quarter 2 2024/25   Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
102 10 Directorate There is a risk that the Council will not be able to procure an alternative leisure provider within the existing Council subsidy. 2 Possible  5 Critical New Mar-25   Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
12 3 Service  There is a risk that long term service delivery may be impeded without strategic workforce planning. 1 Rare 3 Moderate Static Risk to remain until all activities in the strategy are complete   Treat   Deputy Chief Exec  
28 4 Service  There is a risk that the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the Blaenavon Industrial Landscape World Heritage Site (BILWHS) is endangered leading to the potential loss of World Heritage Site (WHS) status and reputational damage to the Council. 1 Rare 4 Major Static Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
30 6 Service  There is a risk that the council's finances will be adversely impacted as a result of overspending against corporate budget limits. 2 Possible  3 Moderate Static Ongoing   Treat Deputy Chief Exec  
31 3 Service  There is a risk that the council will incur fines / possible removal of an element of its card payment facility if the Payment Card Industry Standards are not met. 1 Rare 3 Moderate Static Tolerate   Tolerate Deputy Chief Exec  
32 6 Service  There is a risk that additional costs and /or a loss of productivity may be incurred if sickness absence is not managed effectively and the increase in absence relating to poor mental health is not addressed. 2 Possible  3 Moderate Static Tolerate   Tolerate Deputy Chief Exec  
46 8 Service  There is a risk that local residential, nursing homes and domiciliary agencies will cease trading in the current market which will impact on the ability to commission appropriate support for vulnerable people. 2 Possible  4 Major Static Mar-25   Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
47 4 Service  There is a risk that children who require early interventions will not receive support because children with higher needs are prioritised and capacity at a preventative level is reached. 2 Possible  2 Minor Static Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
48 4 Service  There is a risk that poor information governance and management could have an adverse impact on the council’s finances and reputation and that we could fail to comply with Data Protection legislation. 1 Rare 4 Major Decreasing Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
56 6 Service  There is a risk that the reduced availability of fostering and residential placements for children with complex needs will result in the use of unregulated placements which come at significant cost per placement and place the Local Authority in breach of the Care inspectorate Wales regulations.   2 Possible  3 Moderate Static Dec-24   Treat   Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
63 8 Service  There is a risk that Out of County Placements for children and young people with complex educational needs are becoming more frequent and more costly. 2 Possible  4 Major Static Tolerate   Tolerate Strategic Director for Children & Family Services
86 6 Service  There is a risk that the Council fails to find, and implement, an appropriate new operating model for Springboard Innovation Centre leading to sub-optimal economic development outcomes and an ongoing need for TCBC to provide financial subsidy. 2 Possible  3 Moderate Static Mar-25   Treat   Strategic Director Economy & Environment
90 6 Service  There is a risk that ICT and Digital solutions are being procured which:
- Non compliant with required legislation or standards (e.g. accessibility, security, GDPR, Welsh Language, OR;
- Don’t meet business needs, OR;
- May not be required due to availability of existing solutions.
2 Possible  3 Moderate Static Sep-25   Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities
91 8 Service  There is a risk that continued and sustained attacks on the corporate network can significantly impact on the operational business of the Council and significant data loss as a consequence. 2 Possible  4 Major Static  The risk will always be present and we will treat accordingly    Treat   Strategic Director for Adults & Communities

* Treat - To reduce the risk to an acceptable level by taking mitigating action(s)
* Tolerate - The Council may tolerate a risk where the risk cannot be mitigated cost effectively or is effectively mitigated by internal controls even if it remains high

Last Modified: 05/09/2024 Back to top