Programme | This year we will… | This year we have... | Well-being goals |
Council Tax and Benefit Support
- Administer £23million to help with on rent - COMPLETE
- Administer £10million to help with council tax - COMPLETE
- Help people avoid rent arrears or losing their home through £324,938 of discretionary housing payments - COMPLETE
Helped people avoid poverty through £23,981,833 in rent benefits
Provided £10,218,389 in council tax support
Helped people avoid rent arrears or losing their home through 449,224 of discretionary housing payments
Cost of Living Discretionary Scheme
- Continue making Winter fuel payments and allocate £855,734 for discretionary cost of living payments - COMPLETE
- Promote council tax relief scheme to eligible households - COMPLETE
- Make £500 payments to eligible unpaid carers - COMPLETE
- Make £150 cost of living payments to occupiers of properties in council tax bands A, B, C and D and people who receive the council tax reduction scheme - COMPLETE
- Help residents access Discretionary Assistance Funds - ON TARGET
- Support the Welsh Government’s Warm Homes Nest scheme to provide energy advice and efficiencies for the home - COMPLETE
- Provide almost £400k in additional £150 payments to support families who are accessing free school meals - COMPLETE
- Provide around £160K in support for energy costs through energy vouchers with our partners - ON TARGET
- Work with Citizen’s Advice Bureau to provide advice and support around financial inclusion and to ensure residents maximise incomes - ON TARGET
- Develop a dedicated cost of living page on the council website - COMPLETE
- Send a monthly Nifty Thrifty e-newsletter with updates on the latest benefits, grants and support available to help save money - COMPLETE
Made £1m winter fuel payments
Distributed Cost of Living advice leaflets to 43,049 households and developed dedicated Cost of Living advice section on Torfaen Council website
Processed 2,302 claims for £500 unpaid carer payments
Paid £5.5m in £150 Cost of Living payments
Helped 118 households access Discretionary Assistance Funds
Issued 971 letters to households regarding Warm Homes NEST assistance
More than £77,000 worth of energy vouchers issued
195 young people engaged in the Positive Futures programme in Trevethin, Gardiffaith, Pontypool and Cwmbran
Children and Young People’s Services Development Plan
- Continue to work with internal and external partners to identify and work with young people and families to ensure that they are supported and engaged to prevent anti-social behaviour and exclusion - ON TARGET
- Review the impact of the core counselling service and the additional resource to determine if we need to maintain the enhanced level of support to children and young people - DELAYED
- Review process has been reassigned to the educational psychology service and a review to measure impact and effectiveness of the provision will take place in the summer term
Children and Young People’s Services Development Plan
- Develop a social network programme for young people 16+ affected by isolation and loneliness as a result of disabilities and additional learning needs - ON TARGET
- Work in partnership with local groups increase spaces for young parents wanting support - ON TARGET
- Ensure that young carers continue to be identified and assessed and that communication with key agencies is effective to enable services to be provided - ON TARGET
- Continue to take a partnership with Torfaen Catering to deliver the Food and Fun project to schools throughout the summer holidays - ON TARGET
Targeted provision at young people with additional learning needs and disabilities.
Supported 15 young parents and their children
Created a Young Carers ID card to increase visibility and provide free access to local leisure facilities and attractions
Plans for 13 Food and Fun camps at 12 primary schools and Cwmbran High School
Domiciliary Care Strategy
Ty Glas y Dorlan
- Increase patch based care services around communities to improve outcomes for residents and capacity in the care market - DELAYED
- Increase provision from reablement services so that residents achieve greater benefit from care and support and gain greater independence at home - DELAYED
- Engage with domiciliary care providers to plan and deliver care services in Torfaen - DELAYED
- Agree fees with Domiciliary Care providers to maintain stability and choice in the market - DELAYED
- Work with the local health board to improve transfers of care, reduce waiting times for care packages and prevent avoidable admission to hospital via services in the community preventing need for greater nursing or residential care - DELAYED
- Increase the use of assistive technology to compliment or replace direct care services in order to support people to maintain and achieve greater levels of independence - ON TARGET
- Work, across the council in order develop community resilience and reduce the need for and burden on statutory services - DELAYED
- Review the provision of domiciliary care to ascertain benefits and consider the merits of current or alternative arrangements (i.e. commissioned services vs in house model) - DELAYED
- At least maintain the amount of domiciliary care being provided in house preventing a need for greater residential and nursing care - ON TARGET
- Use short stays at Ty Glas yr Dorlan to help residents build confidence and maintain daily living activities to return to their own home and avoid admission to care - DELAYED
- Review the effectiveness and functions of Ty Glas y Dorlan - COMPLETE
Patch-based services have been piloted north of the borough
Domiciliary care providers fees have been agreed 2023/2024
Opened the Ty Glas y Dorlan community enablement facility providing 12 short stay flats and 6 extra care long term tenancies
Day Opportunities Action Plan
- Review and develop the referral pathway into adult social care services to develop community offer and prevent individuals unnecessarily receiving stat services - ON TARGET
- Enhance the community offer to enable citizens to have their needs met without the need for statutory services - ON TARGET
- Review the front door/means of entry into adult social care statutory services and amend the existing model as necessary and as determined by the review in order to manage demand and ensure that statutory services are received by those with the required level of need - DELAYED
Consulted with residents, young people and their carers attending school and day opportunities to transform the service asking ‘What would a Good Day’ look like
Engaged day opportunities providers
Housing Support Grant
- Develop the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRH) to support implementation - DELAYED
- Develop the following service provisions as part of the Housing Support Programme Strategy and Delivery Plan: - ON TARGET
- Increase supported housing units and realign supported accommodation provision
- Development of emergency accommodation and assessment hub
- Implementation of Homeseeker Policy
- Development and adoption of Move on Policy and processes
- Revision of Housing Support Programme Delivery Plan
Started a Local Housing Market Assessment to be submitted to Welsh Government
Commission 8 additional supported housing units
Started work on refurbishment of Pearl House, due to be completed June/ July 2024
Social Housing Grant
- Work with other public bodies to identify land in public and private ownership suitable for social and affordable housing - DELAYED
- Work with other public bodies to identify public land for affordable housing - DELAYED
- Continue to engage with Registered Social Landlords - ON TARGET
Universal Free School Meals
- Invest an additional £715,000 in school kitchens and employ an additional 24 kitchen staff to provide Universal Free School Meals for all Torfaen pupils in reception, year 1 and year 2 from September 2022 - COMPLETE
- Provide an additional 231,000 free school meals from September 2022 with a whole year projection of over 600,000 free school meals provided across the borough - ON TARGET
- Serve a total of 818,802 nutritious meals to primary pupils - DELAYED
- We served a total of 470,000 free school meals to primary schools across Torfaen – an increase of 217,000 on the previous year. . Uptake
Economy & Skills Delivery Plan
Children & Young People’s Service Delivery Plan
Digital-First Customer Strategy
Communities Approach Delivery Plan
- Create a ‘social capital map’ by March 2023 to help prioritise what early intervention support is put into each community to target capacity building support - COMPLETE
- Work with Community Council’s to develop an approach to improving community well-being and early identification - ON TARGET
Engaged and supported 380 residents into our Bridges into Work and Nurture, Equip, Thrive employability programmes
Supported 252 residents to overcome barriers to employment
Supported 430 vulnerable young people to reduce their risk of becoming not in education, employment or training (NEET)
Supported 100 unemployed or economically inactive young people to improve their prospects of employment, with 47 entering employment directly as a result
Helped 50 young people at risk of becoming NEET to secure an additional qualification
Helped 89 at risk young people to progress into further education
Housing Services Grant
- Aim to prevent individuals and families becoming homeless in 50% of cases - ON TARGET
- Reduce the amount of time individuals and families stay in temporary accommodation - DELAYED
- Reduced the number of households in temporary accommodation from more than six months from 27.5% to 17.3%
Homelessness prevention (as above) to work with individuals and families who are at
risk of losing their homes through financial difficulties
- The team will support up to 100 residents in financial difficulty to maximise their income - ON TARGET
- Supported 414 residents to maximise their income through Building Resilient Communities
Crime & Disorder Act through Multi- Agency Pupil Intervention (MAPI) within schools
- Use our Anti-social behaviour Strike process to support children, young people and their families targeting positive results in 90% of interventions preventing young people from progressing to injunction or inclusion in the criminal justice system - COMPLETE
Prevented 30 children and young people from entering the criminal justice system through a range of preventative activities
This year our Strike Process (graduating levels of intervention) dealing with anti- social behaviour has involved 118 young people, with no individuals escalating into the criminal justice system
Encourage and champion
children, young people and families so they can thrive
Children and Young People’s Development Plan
- Deliver workshops to over 50 young people on training to be an effective youth-representative - ON TARGET
Supported the Torfaen Young People’s Forum to meet 12 times a year to champion the rights of children and young people and promoting youth voice on issues such as Education, becoming Health Ambassadors and training to be climate ambassadors
Co-delivered a Gwent Youth Question time event to over 50 attendees, in partnership with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to tackle perceptions of crime
60 young people have received training to be an effective youth-representative