Traffic Regulation Orders
A Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) is a statutory legal document necessary to support any enforceable restriction or highway measure. It allows the Highway Authority to regulate the speed, movement and parking of vehicles and pedestrian movement, which are enforceable either by Torfaen County Borough Council Enforcement Officers or by the Police.
The making of a TRO is a lengthy process which includes the following steps:
- Consultation with statutory consultees e.g. emergency services, bus operators, local members
- Advertisement of a notice(s) of the proposals in the local press
- Representations to the proposals must be made in writing, with grounds, to the address specified in the notice during a minimum 21 day notice period.
- Making the Order - the TRO can/will then be formally sealed providing all standing representations have been considered
- Notice of Order being made - The Order will be advertised in the local press again and people who have made representations to the scheme will receive notification that the Order has been made. From the date specified in the advertisement the Order will then become enforceable.
Current Traffic Scheme Proposals
Last Modified: 17/10/2024
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