Dropped Kerb Vehicular Crossings
It is necessary to gain consent off the Highway Authority prior to carrying out any works to construct a new vehicular access and dropped kerb to enable you to park within your property; also to extend an existing vehicular footway crossing.
There are no application forms to complete. A written request for permission to construct a vehicular footway crossing should be sent either by email to highwaysdevelopmentcontrol@torfaen.gov.uk or by letter to Highway Development Control Section, Neighbourhood Services, Ty Blaen Torfaen, Panteg Way, New Inn, Pontypool NP4 0LS. The request should include details of the proposal. There is no cost to apply, however the Council does not arrange or pay for the works to be carried out.
It will then be necessary to carry out a site inspection to ensure that it would not be detrimental from a highway standpoint (you would not need to be present). Following this procedure you will be informed of the decision by letter. Should you be granted consent, it will be valid for 5 years from the date of the letter or for the period of planning consent, if required. If the crossing is not constructed within this 5 year period you will need to reapply for consent.
Any works carried out within the highway must be completed by an Approved Term Contractor who is licensed to work in the highway and carries public liability insurance, a list of the contractors will be attached to any grant of consent. The Council does not arrange or pay for the works to be carried out, it would be for one or more of the Contractors on the list to provide you with an estimate of the cost of the works.
Any consent from the Highway Authority will not relieve you of your obligations under the Town and Country Planning Act, please see the Advice Note below which has been provided by Planning & Public Protection.
Advice Note from Planning & Public Protection
Planning permission is required for the formation, laying out and construction of a means of access onto a trunk road or classified road. If the road is not a trunk or classified road planning permission may still be required depending on the purpose of the access, whether it would cross intervening land, whether the works involve the raising or lowering of ground levels and surfacing. Planning permission may also be required for any proposed/replacement driveway or hardstanding to be constructed. You are strongly advised not to proceed with any work without checking on the need for planning permission.
If you are uncertain on the need for planning permission for making an access or constructing a driveway/hardstanding you can submit an application for a lawful development certificate for a formal determination on whether planning consent is required. The application forms can be obtained by calling us on 01633 648095, emailing planning@torfaen.gov.uk or visiting the Planning Permission area of the website.
Informal guidance for householder development is available at www.planningportal.gov.uk and gov.wales.
Last Modified: 20/08/2024
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