When caring ends
No-one wants to think about the time when their caring role comes to an end.
You may stop being a full-time carer for a variety of reasons and may experience a range of different emotions.
If you require information and support please contact the Torfaen Carers Hub on 01495 753838.
The charity Cruse also offers a free bereavement counselling service.
Contact Cruse Bereavement Care on 0844 477 9400 or 01633 251982.
What to do when a carer dies
When a carer dies, the person they care for may need additional support from social services. Sometimes, the person may not be known to social services at all and so a referral must first be made.
If the cared for person is known to social services, please contact Customer Care on 01495 762200 and let someone know that the carer has died.
An advisor will pass this information to the person’s social worker or social work team. Alternatively, if you know the name and telephone number of the social worker, you can call him/her yourself.
The social worker will then arrange a review of the care package that the person is receiving.
If the cared-for person is not known to social services, but may need our help and assistance, please contact Customer Care and tell us about them - we call this making a referral.
When a referral is made, we will arrange for the person to have an assessment of their needs to see if they are eligible for specific services.
We charge for personal care and day care services, however these charges are based on the service user’s ability to pay. For more information about charging, read our leaflet Paying for Community Care Services.
Last Modified: 23/09/2021
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