What is a Carer?
If you look after your partner, or a relative or friend who is ill or disabled (and are not employed to do so) you are a carer, even if you don’t think of yourself that way.
There are many ways that you might care for someone.
Whether you’ve cared for the person for a long time, may be thinking about supporting someone who is currently in hospital and is now preparing to return home. These pages are intended to support you to consider options available to you.
If you identify yourself as a carer you can request an assessment – just as the individual that you support can request an assessment.
You may find Torfaen Carers Hub helpful to you - the Hub offers advice and guidance and is open to anyone whether you choose to have a carers assessment or not.
Some carers are able to apply for carers allowance, the website direct.gov.uk has further information. A carer’s assessment is not a pre – requisite for the carers allowance.
Last Modified: 23/09/2021
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