A section of Hanbury Road, in Pontypool Town Centre, will be closed from Monday 10th February for eight weeks
If you look after your partner, or a relative or friend who is ill or disabled, for no payment you are a carer, even if you don't think of yourself that way.
If you identify yourself as a carer, you are entitled to an assessment of your current situation. The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 clarifies your entitlement to an assessment and outlines the expectations that you can have of the assessor that meets you.
As a carer you have specific legal rights and entitlements. Knowing your rights can help you to get the support that you need
Carers Grants provide financial support to individual carers of all ages via its four different grant funds
Find out what services are available to you as a carer
Visit We Care Wales to find out more and view job opportunities in your local area
Find out if you are entitled to a Carers' Allowance and other benefits available from the government
No-one wants to think about the time when their caring role comes to an end. Find out what support is available
Our 16+ team offers support to help young care leavers achieve their dreams and realise their true potential
Children and young people sometimes become carers too. If you are under 18 and carry out significant caring tasks find out what support is available
If you are a carer and would like to feedback your views and opinions on the services you have received, please contact us
We arrange placements for people with a wide range of support needs, including learning disabilities, physical disabilities, mental health needs and older people
When you are a carer it is important that you get a break from time to time to recharge your batteries. Contact your support worker for information about respite care
An information pack for people in Wales that have been newly diagnosed with dementia is now available
Direct Payments allow more choice and control over the services you receive and gives you the opportunity to live as independently as possible