Transferring your child between schools during an academic year
If you are thinking of applying to transfer your child to another school during the academic year you are advised to discuss your options with your child’s current headteacher in the first instance in order to endeavour to resolve any issues that may have arisen.
There may be a strong educational reason why a transfer should not take place especially in years 10 & 11 when GCSE options have already been chosen. Also you will need to consider carefully how your child will travel to school as school transport may not be available.
If you still decide to proceed, a transfer application form will need to be completed via the online In Year Transfer Admission Form which will then be automatically submitted to the Torfaen Admissions Team, or alternatively contact Kelly Tucker for a hard copy on 01495 766915. A Parents Guide to Online Admissions is available to help you through the online process.
We will endeavour to process your application within 15 working days during term time only. You are strongly advised that wherever possible you should not remove your child from their current school until a suitable alternative placement can be found. This process could take longer if your child is transferred following the Hard to place Protocol.
If however you wish for your child to attend a Voluntary Aided School, you will need to contact the school direct for the necessary admission arrangements.
Full details of the Authority’s Admission arrangements and related issues such as the provision of school transport can be found in the Parents / Carers Information Booklet 2025/2026.
Last Modified: 26/07/2024
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