Parental Choice of School
The entry of children into schools is controlled and administered by an ‘Admissions Authority’. In the case of county borough and voluntary controlled schools, this is recognised as Torfaen County Borough Council (the 'LA').
In the case of voluntary aided schools and foundation schools, the admissions authority is the governing body of the individual school.
Changes in the law mean the LA must allow parents/carers the opportunity to express a preference for the school they would wish their child(ren) to attend.
Failure to complete and return an application form could lead, if demand exceeds the number of places available, to some parents/carers being denied a place for their child at their local school. Please note the Authority does not operate a policy to accelerate pupils into advanced year groups. When applying, parents/carers may name more than one school in order of preference and the Authority will try to comply with at least one of the preferences indicated.
Where the number of applications exceeds the number of places available the Authority will have to refuse admission, in accordance to the oversubscription criteria.
Parents do however have a right of appeal against any such decision.
For admission into Foundation Phase the Authority would also have to take into account the Governments class size initiative which restricts the number of pupils to be accommodated within any infant class to 30 or below.
Finally all admissions into any school are dealt with in accordance with the admissions policy of either the LA or a schools admissions policy and at no stage are pupils 'selected' or are interviews held to determine admission.
Full details concerning Parental Choice, the Authority's Admission Arrangements, Appeals and the Authority's Transport Policy can be found in the Parents / Carers Information Booklet 2025/2026.
For further information contact the School Admissions Team.
Last Modified: 06/06/2024
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