Financial Help with Childcare Costs
Childcare may seem costly but, before you decide you cannot afford it, remember that some families are entitled to financial help.
Childcare Element of Working Tax Credit
If you are eligible for Working Tax Credit (WTC) you may also be able to claim the WTC Childcare Element. Then, if you use registered or approved childcare, you will be able to claim some of your costs back through the childcare Element. From April 2006 the share of costs met in the childcare element increased to 70%, subject to maximum costs of £175 for 1 child and £300 for 2 or more children.
For advice and information about your application, phone HM Revenue and Customs Tax Credit Helpline on 0845 300 3900.
For information on registered childcare in Torfaen or to check whether a child carer is registered please contact the Family Information Service. Torfaen FIS can also provide you with the HMRC Tax Credit booklet ‘Working Tax Credit – Help with the Cost of Childcare’.
Childcare Vouchers
Childcare vouchers are administered through a voucher company and provided on an employer’s behalf, commonly through a salary sacrifice scheme. Childcare vouchers are taken from an employee’s salary before tax and national insurance contributions payments. Therefore, the amount is exempt from tax and national insurance contributions up to a value of £55 per week but only where the childcare used is registered or approved.
You must contact your employer’s HR department to see if they operate this scheme.
If you are Training
If you are undertaking a full time course in Higher Education, you may be eligible for a grant for your childcare from the Local Education Authority. Please call the Student Support Team on 01633 648121 for more details.
Bridges Into Work run a range of free courses (some with free creche) – please call on 01633 647742 or contact the Adult and Community Learning team on 016333 647700 for information on their courses and creche facilities.
Genesis Wales 2 can help to remove barriers to work and give you the confidence, the skills and the opportunities to get into learning, improve your skills, and find that job! For example, Genesis can help you to find childcare and grants to cover course fees and travel. If you are over 16, out of work or claiming benefit call Genesis on 0800 0196330 or email: to find out if you’re eligible for support.
Help for parents from Jobcentre Plus
Jobcentre Plus provides practical advice on finding work, assistance with childcare, training packages, benefit information and support whilst in work. Please contact the Job Centre on 0845 6043719 to see if you could receive financial help with the cost of childcare whist you attend interviews/re-train.
Last Modified: 20/01/2022
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