Overview and Scrutiny
Overview and scrutiny ensures openness and transparency in the way decisions are taken and provides independent and impartial checks and measures for both the organisation and the public. The overview and scrutiny function also draws on a wide range of members across all political parties and geographical wards to bring wider experience and views to the Council’s policy development and service improvement activities.
Overview and scrutiny is one of the most significant ways in which a non-executive councillor can contribute to the direction of the Council. It must not be seen as a secondary importance to the decision-making Cabinet. It is an equal and critical part of the decision making process, and is vital in maintaining public confidence.
It is important to understand there is a clear separation of responsibilities between decision makers and those responsible for holding them to account. Overview and Scrutiny Committees cannot make decisions on behalf of the Council but they can ensure that those that do so, are making robust decisions in the right way and are fully appreciative of broader opinion.
For more information about how Overview and Scrutiny works in Torfaen, download a copy of the Guide to Overview and Scrutiny.
Annually each of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees hold a visioning workshop to determine their Work Programme for the year ahead. To view the items selected by each of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees for 2023/24 please click on the links below:
The latest reports and agendas for all of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees are available to download from the Committee Directory. Search minutes, agendas and reports here.
You can watch our Overview & Scrutiny Committee meetings as they happen.
You can also watch recorded meetings at a time and place to suit you. Click on the speakers you want to see, such as your local councillors, or select the decision or agenda item you are interested in watching being discussed on the Torfaen Council Democracy and Scrutiny YouTube Channel.
Each year we will produce an annual report outlining progress made delivering the scrutiny function. The latest Annual Scrutiny Report can be downloaded here.
Last Modified: 24/05/2024
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