Suggest an item for scrutiny

Do you have any suggestions of issues for inclusion onto the Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s future work programmes? If so please complete the form below.

Guidelines for submitting an item for scrutiny:

  • Scrutiny is not a complaints system that deals with individual issues, grievances and areas of concerns
  • Your suggested topic of review must be an issue of real public concern that affects a group of people either living or working in Torfaen
  • It cannot be a planning issue or other matter dealt with by another Council committee except where the issue relates to process
  • All requests will be considered and a decision made regarding what is the most appropriate course of action. We cannot guarantee requests will result in scrutiny activity, although we will inform you what action has been taken.
Last Modified: 05/12/2018
For more information contact:

Improvement Team

Tel: 01495 742547


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