How to get involved with Democracy in Torfaen
Public involvement in meetings is welcomed and can be achieved in the following ways:
Members of the public can attend all Council Meetings
Members of the public can attend all meetings of the Council, Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Committees, the Planning Committee, Licensing Committee, the Audit Committee and the Ethics and Standards Committee, except where confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed.
Members of the public can view Council documents
Members of the public can see agenda papers and background papers for meetings of the Council, Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Committees, the Planning and Licensing Committees, the Audit Committee and the Ethics and Standards Committee and where appropriate see any records of decisions made, except where confidential or exempt information is likely to be disclosed. All available documents can be seen in the Committee Directory.
Members of the public can watch meetings online
Members of the public can watch meetings of the Council, Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Planning Committee or Licensing Committee – whether live or after the meeting has finished - via our webcast.
Members of the public can speak at some Council meetings
Members of the public may attend meetings of the Planning Committee and speak if they have objected in writing to a planning application that is being considered. The having your say at planning committee leaflet explains how to do this. Members of the public may speak at Licensing Panel Hearings if they have objected in writing to a Licensing application that is being considered. Members of the public may also speak at Overview and Scrutiny meetings, but only by invitation of the Chair.
Members of the public can view Work Programmes
Members of the public can inspect the forward work programmes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees, to view the schedule of the meetings. Overview and Scrutiny Committees may invite people and organisations to comment on the way things are currently done and how things can be improved. One of the biggest challenges for scrutiny committees is to obtain more interest in the process, by demonstrating that effective scrutiny can make a difference. For more information on how you can become involved, please contact the Democratic and Members Services Team.
The Council also publishes an Executive Forward Plan setting out key decisions to be made which can also be seen on our website.
Members of the public may ask questions or submit petitions at Council meetings
Members of the public living and/or working in Torfaen and representatives of relevant organisations based in Torfaen may ask questions or present petitions at Council meetings.
The Council recognises and values the contributions of local people. Public participation is essential to ensure that the needs and aspirations of local people are at the heart of decision making.
We want to hear from people who study, live, work and use the services of the Council about the things that matter to them. Petitions and E-Petitions are one way for people to let us know their concerns and are part of the Council’s ongoing commitment to listening to and acting on the views of the public.
Petitions can be presented to a meeting of the full Council. The dates of the full Council meetings are available here.
Paper Petitions can be sent to us at the following address: Head of Democratic Services, Torfaen County Borough Council, Civic Centre, Glantorfaen Road, Pontypool, Torfaen, NP4 6YB - Email:
E-petitions can be created, signed and submitted online
If you wish to present your petition to full Council please contact your local councillor who will sponsor your petition and also present it on your behalf if you do not wish to present your petition personally. You can contact Democratic Services via their email address or phone (01495 762200 and ask to speak to a member of the Democratic Services Team.) for guidance on the process.
A copy of the Petition Scheme adopted by Torfaen County Borough Council can be found here.
For further information about public involvement in meetings in Torfaen, please contact the Democratic and Members Services Team on 742163 or 766057.
Last Modified: 13/09/2022
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