Bin collection days

In the last 12 months, Torfaen council has carried out more than 5,000,000 bin collections. It has collected more than 31,000 tonnes of waste – more than half of the weight of the Millennium Stadium. This is made up of general waste, green waste, food waste, recyclables and cardboard.

For areas not yet receiving these services (mainly high rise flats and OAP complexes), we provide a weekly refuse collection for household waste placed in the wheelie bin.

Please ensure that your refuse is placed at the collection point by 7am on your day of collection unless exceptional arrangements are made.

You can find out what colour bin is due for collection this week by viewing the Calendar of Collections for your round.

What day will my bins be collected?

Use our mapping system to find your waste/recycling collection day.

Find your waste/recycling collection day

Reporting missed collections

If your purple lidded bin was not collected we will no longer return to collect it unless there was:

  • Access issues due to roadworks, major incidents or adverse weather such as snow
  • A record that a bin was damaged and couldn’t be collected
  • A missed assisted collection

The council will not return until your next scheduled collection for any other reason. If you cannot wait until your next purple lidded bin collection please take your refuse to the Household Recycling Centre in New Inn.

Bins need to be out at the right time and in the right place. Please ensure your purple lidded bin is presented before 7am on your collection day and placed where your property meets the pavement (or in designated collection areas).

If any of your recycling collections were missed please let us know immediately and we will make arrangements to collect is as soon as possible.

Report a missed collection

Adverse weather

During times of adverse weather there may be some disruption to service due to access problems for our vehicles. If the service is disrupted, please be patient as we will normally catch up by the end of the week. Where adverse weather conditions persist for more than a week, and/or we are unable to collect that week, we will advise residents of alternative arrangements via this website.

Last Modified: 16/01/2025
For more information contact:

Call Torfaen

Tel: 01495 762200


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