Purple Lidded Bin
How often is the purple lidded bin collected?
The purple lidded bin is collected every 2 weeks for household waste that cannot be recycled or composted.
What goes in the purple lidded bin?
Yes please
Day-to-day rubbish that cannot be recycled or composted such as:
- Cold ashes
- Pet waste
- Broken glass
- Polystyrene
- Wrapping paper
- Foil
No thank you
- Anything that can be recycled
- Food waste
- Garden waste
- Stones, rubble, soil or building materials
- Car parts or batteries
- Oil, paint or chemical
- Textiles/clothing
- Tree branches
- Asbestos-based materials
- Hot ashes
- Anything too large to fit into the bin
- Clinical waste or hypodermic needles
- Large glass objects
- Anything hazardous
We do not collect extra rubbish left out next to your purple lidded bin, or empty your bin if the lid is left open.
Reduce, reuse and recycle your waste as much as possible before putting items in the purple lidded bin this will help you fit more in.
What day will my bin be collected?
Use our mapping system to find your waste/recycling collection day.
Missed collections
If your purple lidded bin was not collected we will no longer return to collect it unless there was
- Access issues due to road works, major incidents or adverse weather such as snow
- A record that a bin was damaged and couldn’t be collected
- A missed assisted collection
The council will not return until your next scheduled collection for any other reason.
Bins need to be out before 7am on their collection day and placed where your property meets the pavement (or in your designated collection areas).
Replacing purple lidded bins
There is a charge of £5 for replacement purple lidded bins, unless they were broken or damaged during the actual bin collections.
To reduce the risk of your bin being lost or stolen, we recommend you number and/or personalise your bins. This makes it easier for the crews to put bins back in the right place.
If your bin is damaged during the collection the crew will record this using the tracker system. You will receive a card through your door notifying you that a replacement has been ordered.
Request a new purple lidded bin
Developers will be charged £66 for a full suite of recycling/waste containers.
What happens to my purple lidded bin waste after it’s collected?
Any materials placed in the purple lidded bin goes to an Energy From Waste (EFW) plant. It's important that we work together to reduce, re-use and recycle as much as possible.
Last Modified: 16/01/2025
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