Play Sufficiency Assessment
The Welsh Government places a duty on all authorities in Wales to fully assess for sufficient play opportunities in line with the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010. Play Sufficiency Assessments are completed on a 3 year cycle, the first Play Sufficiency Assessment was submitted to Welsh Government in March 2013 with subsequent assessments submitted in March 2016 and 2019.
The local authorities Play Service lead on the assessment and collection of data due to their knowledge and experience within the field of work as well as their expertise in carrying previous assessments. This is the fourth time the local authority has been in the position to assess the current state of play within Torfaen.
The assessment focuses on a broad scope of topics and agendas linked to play and play and recreational provision. The Play Sufficiency Action Plan is monitored by a strategic group that meets quarterly with representatives from the key areas within the assessment. These include the following:
- Staffed Play, Youth, Leisure, Recreational and Early Years Provision
- Static Play, Playgrounds, Parks, Open Spaces and Countryside
- Safer Routes around the community
- Providing for Diverse Needs – Children and young people with disabilities, Welsh language, vulnerable children and young people
- Securing and Developing the Play Workforce
- Access to Information / Publicity and Events
- Community Engagement – Participation
- Play within all relevant policy and implementation agendas – Health and Wellbeing, Education and Schools, Local Development Plan, Health and Safety, Family policy and initiatives
The Torfaen Play Sufficiency Assessment - Summary of Findings can be viewed here.
For further information please contact
Last Modified: 14/12/2022
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