Additional Learning Needs in further education

If your child is in post-16 education and you are concerned they have an additional learning need, please contact their college or education provider to seek advice.  

Most young people in Wales who have ALN attend a Further Education (FE) college or training programme. FE colleges provide a wide range of courses to meet the needs of learners and have a provision map which sets out the services and support available.  

If your child has an IDP in school, conversations about their further education will start in year 9. A review will discuss the opportunities and pathways available to them and you will be able to ask questions about support available.  

Careers Wales and college staff may also attend to support learners and their parents at these meetings. 

When advising on a suitable college for a learner with ALN, schools and Local Authorities use the ALN Code as their guide when deciding how best to meet their needs. 

The code states that, wherever possible, young people should be able to attend their post-16 education and training locally. The college will maintain and hold the IDP for the majority of learners who have ALN. 

Where it has been assessed via the IDP and review process that a learner may not be able to achieve their desired education and training outcomes locally because their needs are significant and  complex that appropriate local provision is not able to meet the provision identified, the local authority  may determine that the pupil needs a more specialist post 16 provision and will assess the need for an independent Special Post-16 Institution (ISPI). 

For more information on college provision, visit the ALN Pathfinder website.

SNAP Cymru offers free and independent information, advice, and support to help get the right education for young people with additional learning needs and will help them through the transition process. You can find out more information on their website - 

Last Modified: 14/01/2025
For more information contact:

Inclusion service
Tel: 01495 766929 or 01495 766968

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