Water bills
You can request help with your bills by contacting visit account.dwrcymru.com/request-help-with-your-bill
Or you can call freephone 0800 052 0145, Monday to Friday, 8am and 6pm, or Saturday 9am to 1pm.
For advice about how a water meter could reduce your bills, visit www.dwrcymru.com/en/help-advice/water-meters
Welsh Water HelpU
If you have a low income, you may be entitled to a reduction on your water rates. You can apply online at https://contact.dwrcymru.com. Bron Afon tenants will need to use the following reference number: 3489812601. You can call Welsh Water on 0800 052 0145.
Water Direct Debit Support Scheme
If you're in financial hardship and you're in debt with us, the Water Direct Debt scheme may help by paying your water charges and debt through your benefits. www.dwrcymru.com/water-direct-scheme
Last Modified: 08/12/2022
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