Fly Posting - Reporting and Removal

Fly-posting is the illegal fixing or posting of non-approved signs, posters or stickers to walls, road signs, lamp posts, railings or other areas, usually for commercial interests. 

Not only is this illegal but it creates a distraction and potential danger to road users as well as a negative impression of an area.

Fly posting is illegal under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 and Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Fly posting can be divided into four broad types, each with their own characteristics and problems of control:

  • Adverts primarily for local events, often photocopies put up in large numbers on a regular basis. These may advertise bands playing in pubs, or car-boot sales. They may be attached to lamp-posts, railings and street furniture or pasted on buildings.
  • Posters advertising products of large organisations and put up by professional poster 'companies'. These are usually large, high quality, colour posters, such as for record releases. They are often pasted on vacant buildings and signal control/telecoms boxes.
  • Posters displayed by pressure groups or political bodies. These are generally ad hoc and sporadic with no clear pattern to their location.
  • Birthday banners which are placed on bridges and on the highway.

Fly posting can also lead to other forms of anti-social behaviour. There is the potential for graffiti, damage to walls and damage to street furniture to occur in the same places as the fly posting. 

There are a number of different methods that event organisers can use to advertise without spoiling the area with fly posting. These include inside shop windows, radio, newspapers, the internet, tourist information centres, distributing handbills and local magazines are but just some ways.

How we deal with fly posting

Most of the posters and fliers that we see on walls around Torfaen are put up legitimately with proper permission. Sometimes though posters for activities, events and other adverts are put up without any permission.

Our aim is to remove fly posting from public property, street furniture and the highway within 5 working days of it being reported.

The Council will remove any illegal signs that have been placed up without permission. However, signs which are constantly placed illegally by the same company / individual will be investigated and further action can be taken.

What you can do about fly posting

If you notice fly-posting in your area and it is spoiling or obscuring street signs or buildings you should call Street Scene on 01495 762200.

It will be useful to us if you can tell us:

  • The location of the fly-posting
  • The nature of the material. Is it offensive or just a nuisance?
  • Any other relevant information
Last Modified: 05/12/2018
For more information contact:

Street Scene

Tel: 01495 762200


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