Bus Services
There are several bus services which run through the Torfaen area.
Timetables for each route are available on the operators websites below:
If you don't know which bus you need, the Traveline Cymru Journey Planner will help you.
Bus times on your mobile phone
Out and about? We'll keep you mobile!
As well as contacting Traveline Cymru by phone or the internet, you can now get bus times on your mobile phone through our free applications for iPhone and Android, Traveline NextBuses and Traveline.txt.
Free apps to keep you mobile!
Traveline Cymru’s FREE and BILINGUAL apps for iPhone and Android enable users to find public transport information for the whole of Wales in one place.
- Plan your journey from A to B
- Check travel alerts
- Find your bus stop on a map, and save any that you use regularly
- Search for Community Transport or Park and Ride information
For more information, or to download the app visit the App Store or Android Market .
You can also use our mobile internet site to find bus times for your bus stop by using the Traveline Next Bus service.
Step 1
Go to http://nextbuses.mobi on your mobile web browser (to receive a bookmark for this service, text ‘traveline’ to 84268).
Step 2
You can then find your bus stop three ways:
- Type in a street name, stop name or full postcode and press search. You can refine a search by stating a town or area.
- Click on a recently viewed stop (if you have used the site before).
- View nearby stops (only if you have a location-aware version).
Step 3
Select a stop name from the results.
The site will show the next few departures from the selected stop. Live information is shown where available, otherwise scheduled times are given .
This service is free apart from any normal data charges made by your mobile operator (contact your operator for details).
By using Traveline.txt you can get bus times sent directly to your mobile phone via text message. Here’s how!
Step 1
There are over 21,000 bus stops in Wales- each has a unique 7 letter code. To find out what your bus stop code is:
- Look at the bus stop - the information you need will be on every bus stop in Wales
- Visit the Traveline Cymru website on www.traveline-cymru.info and click on 'Find Your Bus Stop'
- Call Traveline Cymru on 0300 200 2233 (local rate)
Step 2
Send the bus stop code as a text message to the traveline text number 84268 (charged at your normal tariff). Your reply is free!
If you want a reply in Welsh add a space then the letter C to the end of the bus stop code.
To revert to English add a space then the letter E to the end of the bus stop code.
Step 3
You will then receive a free reply via text message within 30 seconds showing:
- The times of up to the next three buses due at that particular stop
- The service number of each bus
- The destination of each bus
Where available real time information will be given, so you know exactly when your next bus is due to arrive!
Don’t forget to keep the bus stop code for next time!
Last Modified: 13/11/2024
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