Food Safety - Charity Events
Catering for Charity Events
Catering events are a good way of raising funds or providing social activities for those in need and vulnerable groups, but worries about food poisoning mean that some voluntary, charitable and other providers are cutting back on these activities. However, by taking some simple steps, it should be possible to hold charity catering events which are both safe and enjoyable. Read the Catering for Charity Events leaflet for tips.
Cakes for Charity Events
Cake stalls and party cakes are always popular, and shop bought cakes and mince pies should be entirely safe if purchased from a reputable supplier. Home-made cakes should also be safe, as long as the people who make them observe good food hygiene, and the cakes are stored and transported safely. A Cakes for Charity Events guide is available to download.
Last Modified: 05/12/2018
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