Children get scooter safety lessons

Posted on: Friday 31 May 2024

Around 80 children have had lessons in how to scoot safely, as part of Torfaen Play Service's Play and Activity Camps this half term. 

They were taught how to ride their scooters correctly and how to stay safe on pavements, thanks to a joint initiative with the council's Active Travel team.

The sessions were delivered by ScootFit, which also provided training for 25 play workers who will hold scooter safety lessons at Food and Fun camps in the summer holidays.

In total, more than 750 children took part in a range of different sessions organised by the Play Service, including eight Play and Activity Camps, Play and Wellbeing Camps, Play and Respite Sessions and Play and Breakaway Session.

The camps were run by 140 staff and volunteers, including 22 new volunteers who completed a two-day accredited qualification in play work.  

On Thursday, the High Sheriff of Gwent Helen Mifflin visited some of the children taking part in sessions at Cwmbran Stadium, Nant Celyn Wellbeing Camp, Blenheim Wellbeing Camp, Victory Church and Thornhill Play and Respite Camp. 

Julian Davenne, Play Service Manager, said: “Our Play Service is renowned for its exceptional delivery of play and respite services up and down the borough.

"The ScootFit initiative is just one of many fantastic ways we ensure children are provided with a wide range of play activities."

Details of this year's summer programme will be unveiled next week. For information, Torfaen Play’s Facebook page – Chwarae Torfaen, Torfaen Play or the council's website.  Or contact the Play Service at

For more information about what is being done to support and promote safe cycling and scooting in Torfaen, visit our active travel pages.  

Last Modified: 31/05/2024 Back to top