Posted on: Friday 1 March 2024
A secondary school in Pontypool has seen a significant reduction in persistent absenteeism thanks to an innovative attendance reward scheme.
The scheme, which covers all year groups at West Monmouth School, allows pupils to earn points for each full week they attend school, which can then be spent in their Class Charts Store on various perks.
Since it was adopted in September 2023, persistent absenteeism has reduced by almost 50 per cent, with overall attendance increasing from 86 to 88.7 per cent.
A pupil is considered persistently absent when their attendance level has dropped below 80 per cent. It includes authorised and unauthorised absences.
The school already awarded pupils points for good behaviour but since September, points have been awarded for attendance as well with pupils able to use them to “purchase” a range of masterclasses.
So far this year, 111 pupils have earned the chance to take part in arts and crafts, basketball, yoga, dance and jewellery making masterclasses.
It's all to enrich the students’ learning and allows them to explore new and exciting topics outside the curriculum.
Other types of rewards include vouchers for experience days, takeaway pizza, sports equipment, as well as trips to local attractions and events.
Emma Jordan, Headteacher at West Monmouth School, said: “We are delighted with the results of our attendance reward scheme, which has had a positive impact on the pupils’ motivation, behaviour, and achievement.”
"We recognise that there are young people who suffer from genuine reasons which may affect their attendance. At West Monmouth we have implemented significant support for these pupils to support them in returning to school."
Many other primary and secondary schools across the borough have adopted similar schemes and practices that have formed part of Torfaen Council’s Not in Miss Out attendance campaign.
The campaign, which focuses on reducing unauthorised absences and lateness, was set up in November 2022 and has featured 16 schools to date.
In Torfaen, the average attendance rate for schools currently stands at 90.4%, which matches the Welsh National average.