Posted on: Friday 19 May 2023
A primary school in Cwmbran has received an exceptional report from Estyn inspectors.
The inspectors described St David's RC Primary School as "happy, caring and welcoming" and recognised the staff's commitment to continuous learning and development.
The report, published this week, also highlighted the use of the Welsh language in the school, which is a leading example in the local area.
The report said: "The school leads professional learning in Welsh across the cluster to develop pupils as bilingual citizens.
"Throughout the school, teachers incorporate the Welsh language into their lessons to a high standard. Over time, most pupils develop strong Welsh language skills and are confident and proud to be Welsh."
The report also praised the varied and diverse learning environment developed by teachers and staff.
It said: "Teachers have created interesting learning environments in classrooms and in the outside areas.
"Teachers make good use of the outdoor environment to enhance pupils’ learning experiences and to develop their well-being and creativity.
"Pupils are thoroughly engaged in their learning and they describe their learning as fun. Many pupils are an active part of their learning and respond effectively to verbal feedback."
The report made one recommendation - for teachers to strengthen their use of assessment and feedback.
Councillor Richard Clark, Executive Member for Education, said: "This is an exceptional Estyn report and the whole school community should be very pleased and proud.
"It is unusual for Estyn to make just one recommendation, which is testimony to the excellent staff, pupils and their supportive families."
The school, which has an executive head in place while a new headteacher is recruited, will now put in an action plan to address the Estyn recommendation.