Paying for Social Care Services

Torfaen Social Care and Housing Services charges for home (domiciliary) and day care services. Charges are based on your ability to pay so the amount each person has to pay will be different.

Some of the services provided by Torfaen Social Care and Housing Services are free – including assessment, information and advice.

The maximum charge you will be asked to pay towards home (domiciliary) and day care services is £100 per week, no matter how many hours of care you receive. However, because a person's ability to pay is taken into account, the actual amount you pay may be lower than £100 or there may be no charge.

Your need for care services is assessed by a Care Manager before charges are worked out.

Information on charges for our services is set out in separate factsheets below:

Meals are charged separately at a flat rate. For more information visit our Community Meals section.

In addition we do not charge for transport to attend a day centre where it is provided by, or arranged by, Torfaen Social Care Services, and where that transportation is included in your needs assessment. 

Our Benefits Advice Service is available (at no charge) to anyone who receives home or day care services. We can make sure you are getting all the benefits and pensions you are entitled to if you give us your permission to do so.

In some circumstances, you will be referred automatically for Benefits Advice, and they will contact you direct. If you need to contact them, please do so, on the number below. An officer will help you fill out any application forms and will follow up the claim afterwards to make sure that you are receiving the correct entitlement.

Torfaen County Borough Council’s policy is in line with the guidance and regulations set by the Welsh Government under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.

Last Modified: 04/07/2024
For more information contact:

Revenues and Benefits Section (Financial Assessment Team)

Tel: 01495 762200


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