Arranging care for yourself
As your circumstances change you may find you are no longer able to manage in your home as well as you used to.
To begin, contacting social care to arrange an assessment - adults would be a good idea, this would help you establish your needs and how they may be met. Even if you don’t want social care to arrange services for you, an assessment would be a way of looking at what services may help you.
Finding a care worker for yourself
You can find a care worker through an agency, or by employing someone directly. It is important to be clear about the type of help you need in order to establish if a particular agency or individual can meet your needs.
Agencies that provide nurses or care workers who carry out personal care tasks must be registered with the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). Discuss with the agency how your needs can best be met.
You can employ a care worker, or other help, directly rather than go through an agency. This can be complicated and you must be clear what you are taking on, particularly regarding a contract of employment, possible financial commitments such as National Insurance contributions, and taking reliable references.
For more information contact Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW)
Last Modified: 05/12/2018
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