AskSARA - an assessment tool for living aids and equipment
AskSARA can help you find useful information about products to make daily living activities in your home easier. It's FREE and easy to use!
AskSARA is an online guided advice tool created in partnership with the Disabled Living Foundation’s Living Made Easy programme. It provides impartial advice about suitable assistive technology solutions that enable older people, and disabled people of all ages, to live independently and maintain their chosen lifestyle.
Choose a topic you would like help with, answer some simple questions about yourself and your environment and, based on your answers, AskSARA will suggest:
- ideas and tips about ways to make your life easier
- details of products that might help and where to get them
- contacts for more advice and support if needed
AskSARA is an alternative option to contacting us directly for a needs assessment, however you can still contact us directly via 01495 762200 or email
Visit AskSARA at
Last Modified: 16/08/2022
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