Information for Nurseries
Infection control in early year settings
There were outbreaks of infectious diseases in nurseries in both Anglesey and Gwynedd in 2011. These outbreaks highlighted a number of issues to all those involved. As such, local authority officers have been working with the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) and with the Health Protection Team at Public Health Wales to provide guidance to child care providers.
As a result of this joint working, the “Infection Control Audit Tool – Early Years Settings” has been developed. The Audit Tool will allow you to undertake a review of your premises, policies and procedures in relation to infection control, to help ensure you are meeting current best practice standards. As well as the Audit Tool being used by yourselves as part of your annual review, you may find it being utilised by officers from the local authority and CSSIW as part of their inspection regime.
The introduction to the Audit Tool provides advice as to documents where guidance can be sought and the documents below include a copy of the Audit Tool, as well as a variety of documents that you may find helpful in relation to infection control at your premises.
Last Modified: 27/02/2023
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