The Resources directorate focuses on the day-to-day business of running the council as well as the financial services it provides to residents. It aims to provide efficient customer-focused services that reflect the way people live their lives and wish to access services.
Deputy Chief Executive Nigel Aurelius is the Strategic Director for Resources.
The service is divided into:
- Finance services
- Corporate services
- Human Resources
- Pension Fund Management and Investment
- Internal Audit
- Legal
- Revenues and Benefits
David Lilly is the Director of Finance and is responsible for:
- Financial management and reporting
- Insurance policy management and claims handling
- Accounts’ payable function
- Income receipting system management and maintenance
- Financial system management and maintenance
Jason Lewis is the Director for Corporate Services and is responsible for:
- Occupational Health and Safety
- Admin and Business Support
- Business and Democratic Support Services
- Programme Management Office
- Planning, delivery and transformation
- Procurement (client role)
Tina Hume is Head of Human Resources and is responsible for human resources and occupational development.
Alex Bull is Head of Pension Fund Management and Investment.
Peter Williams is Head of Internal Audit.
Tim James is Head of Legal Services.
Deb Smith is Head of Revenues and Benefits.
Last Modified: 12/04/2024
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