Blaenavon Townscape Heritage Programme 2019-2025
The Townscape Heritage Programme is a £1.9m partnership approach that aims to make improvements to the built historic environment of conservation areas whilst ensuring there are positive outcomes for the built environment and the communities that engage with it.
Torfaen County Borough Council will lead on behalf of the Blaenavon THP in the delivery of the Programme which proposes to build on the previous regeneration in order to create an improved and continuous heritage façade along Broad Street to continue the momentum of previous conservation based investment in the town. The THP will support property owners to achieve heritage based improvements that will positively benefit the Conservation Area.
The THP’s Activity Plan seeks to raise the town’s profile to local people, changing perceptions of what the town has to offer. Activity will provide the opportunity to bring about a stepped change delivering a lasting impact reinvigorating the local community’s interest in the townscape and its unique intangible heritage. The Activity Plan sets out the package of community activities to be delivered through the THP which aim to inspire the local community to learn more about their townscapes heritage and give local people the chance to learn new skills.
The Common Fund for delivering the THP is made up of contributions from:-
- The National Lottery Heritage Fund;
- Torfaen County Borough Council;
- Cadw;
- Blaenavon Town Council;
- Property Owners (Capital Projects only).
Due to the impact of Covid on delivery programmes, and in agreement with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the Blaenavon Townscape Heritage Programme has been extended to December 2025. The capital programme is now fully committed, and no further building grant funding is available through this Programme.
For more information about the Blaenavon Townscape Heritage Programme please contact or Tel: 01495 766198
If you are a business requiring advice or wider business support, please contact Torfaen Business Direct.
Last Modified: 24/01/2024
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