Posted on: Friday 21 February 2025
The process of making temporary exemptions to the default 20mph limit in Torfaen permanent is underway.
Residents have until Wednesday 5 March to comment on the Traffic Regulation Orders on 44 exceptions.
The default speed limit on restricted roads was reduced from 30mph to 20mph in Wales in September 2023.
In Torfaen, 36 routes were identified as meeting the Welsh Government's criteria for a higher speed limit and Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders were put in place.
Last year, the Welsh Government issued councils with a revised assessment criteria and invited residents to suggest additional exceptions.
Torfaen Council received 702 comments, following which an additional eight routes were identified.
The formal process of introducing Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to make the exceptions permanent is now underway.
There are three TROs covering roads that will remain at 30mph, 40mph and 60mph. There is a fourth to remove 20mph zones where the roads are default 20mph.
For more information and to comment on the TROs: