Posted on: Friday 21 July 2023
The majority of targets set out in the first year of Torfaen Council's County Plan have been achieved.
The Future Torfaen A County Plan is a five-year strategy that outlines the council's long-term aims, alongside annual delivery plans which set out the steps that will be taken each financial year to achieve them.
A report presented to council this week showed that nearly three quarters of the delivery plan targets for 2022 to 2023 are either on target or have been completed.
These include the development of a new 3G pitch at Ysgol Gymraeg Gwynllyw, in Pontypool, two new Active Travel schemes along Cwmbran Drive, a new business support service and to take enforcement action against fly-tippers.
Nearly a quarter of the actions were categorised as amber, which means there have been delays, including the expansion of Crownbridge Special Day School and to increase the number of boats using the canal.
Around four per cent of the targets were identified as having more significant delays, including the completion of three Place Plans for investment and for work to begin on a replacement building for Maendy Primary School, in Cwmbran.
Councillor Peter Jones, Executive Member for Corporate Governance and Performance, said: "Our ambition must be to be an outstanding council. We are meeting most of our targets but recognise we can always do better with some activities.
"I am proud of what this council has achieved and the credit for this rests with our fantastic staff. I hope they are proud of what they have achieved."
The County Plan is set around four themes - wellbeing, sustainability, connectivity and culture and heritage - and nine well-being objectives.
The Council has committed to producing delivery plans for each year of the plan, which will be monitored on a quarterly basis to track and monitor progress.
Find out more about the end-of-year progress of the delivery plan for 2022 to 2023.
The delivery plan for 2023 to 2024 is also on our website.