Posted on: Tuesday 4 July 2023
A blueprint for how carbon emissions in Torfaen will be reduced to net zero by 2050 is being developed.
The Local Area Energy Plan will set out how a zero carbon energy system could look and what needs to be done to transform how energy is consumed and generated in the borough.
The key sources of emissions in the borough come from homes, transport and businesses and the plan is being drawn up in collaboration with experts from the public, private and third sector.
The Welsh Government wants Wales to be carbon zero by 2050, with all local authorities to become net carbon zero by 2030.
Net carbon zero is where there is a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere and the carbon removed from it. This can be done by reducing emissions and increasing carbon capture through industrial processes and protecting ecosystems like forests, wildflower meadows and peatbogs.
Councillor Mandy Owen, Executive Member for Environment, said: "2050 feels a long way off but it's important we consider what infrastructure changes need to take place so we can start reducing emissions on a large scale as soon as possible.
"The Local Area Energy Plan will be important to supporting the net zero journey. We have also prioritised the reduction of carbon emissions and the protection of our natural habitats in our Climate and Nature Emergency Action Plan and County Plan.
"This week is Net Zero Week which is a good opportunity for us all to think about reducing our own carbon footprint."
The Cardiff Capital Region is coordinating local area energy planning across the region, with the aim of plans being complete by March 2024.
For more information about what is being done in Torfaen to reduce carbon emissions and tackle climate change, you can read our Climate and Nature Emergency Action Plan or the council's Future Torfaen - A County Plan.
You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter or search for #CutTheCarbonTorfaen #NurtureNatureTorfaen for regular updates on projects.
Find out how you can reduce your own carbon emissions by visiting the Net Zero Week website.