Heritage Strategy
Heritage is an integral part of our lives and communities, and something we all enjoy! It not only tells us where we have been but helps shapes who we are, and helps us to regenerate our places and communities and move forward.
Torfaen has a rich cultural heritage that includes and reflects many aspects of human and natural evolution. We share this heritage and it is available for all of us to explore and enjoy.
Torfaen’s vision for our heritage is to:
- Preserve, conserve and present the heritage of the borough to a high standard for future generations
- Utilise heritage as an aid to improving the quality of life and cultural esteem
- Use heritage (where appropriate) as an aid to economic, environmental and cultural regeneration
We want to do this by:
- enhancing and promoting the heritage
- continuing to improve interpretation and access to the borough’s heritage
- protecting the heritage
- working toward heritage being part of the everyday thinking within the borough
- broadening and increasing the numbers of people involved in heritage so that all sectors of society are given the opportunity to participate
- obtaining funding to aid the preservation and promotion of the heritage
- encouraging the development of financially sustainable heritage projects
Torfaen’s Heritage is something we should all be proud to celebrate and protect.
If you require any further information, please contact the Community Heritage Development Officer on 01633 648209 or email ashleigh.taylor@torfaen.gov.uk
Last Modified: 05/12/2018
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