Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
It is required by law that RE be taught in schools, but RE is not part of the National Curriculum. Instead RE is a locally responsibility. SACRE oversees RE and Collective Worship.
Its main function is to advise the LEA on matters related to Collective Worship in community schools and some other schools and on the Religious Education given in accordance with their Agreed Syllabus.
SACRE’s broad role is to support effective provision of RE and Collective Worship within its remit by:
- giving advice on methods of teaching agreed syllabus RE including the choice of teaching materials;
- advising the LEA on the provision of training for teachers;
- monitoring inspection reports in RE, Collective Worship and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development;
- considering complaints about the provision and delivery of Religious Education and Collective Worship referred to it by the LEA.
Last Modified: 24/11/2022
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