Where can I get more advice?
If you want to know more about Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit and how it affects you, either email us at benefits@torfaen.gov.uk or phone the Customer Care Team on 01495 766430 or 01495 766570. Or you can call in at one of our Customer Care Centres.
Visiting Service
If you have difficulty getting into one of our offices we can arrange for a Benefit Visiting Officer to visit you in your home to assist you with your Council Tax Benefit claim. Please contact Torfaen Customer Care Team to do this.
Independent advice
We are always happy to help if you need advice. However, you can get independent advice from the following places.
Torfaen Citizens Advice Bureau (Pontypool)
Castle Mews, George Street, Pontypool, Torfaen, NP4 6BU
Tel: 03444 772020 (advice line) / 01495 759814 (Office)
Fax: 01495 759814
Email: reception@torfaencab.org.uk
Website: www.torfaencab.org.uk
Torfaen Citizens Advice Bureau (Cwmbran)
45 Gwent Square, Cwmbran, Torfaen, NP44 1PL
Tel: 03444 772020 (Advice Line) / 01633 876121 – Office
Fax: 01633 869936
Email: reception@torfaencab.org.uk
Website: www.torfaencab.org.uk
The Welsh Refugee Council
125 Lower Dock Street, Newport, NP20 1EG
Tel: 07958 303 192
Email: info@welshrefugeecouncil.org.uk
Visit: https://wrc.wales/
Last Modified: 29/01/2020
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