Gambling Act 2005

Gambling Legislation

The Gambling Act was passed by Parliament in April 2005 and introduced wholesale changes in how gambling is licensed in Great Britain. It established a new Gambling Commission to regulate the types of gambling facilities that are offered and the people and organisations who offer them. 

It also bought new powers to licensing authorities who are already responsible for implementing the Licensing Act 2003. 

Torfaen is responsible for monitoring and enforcing the Licences and Permits it issues – all under the following three Licensing Objectives:-

  • Preventing gambling from being a source of crime or disorder, being associated with crime or disorder or being used to support crime;
  • Ensuring that gambling is conducted in a fair and open way; and 
  • Protecting children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited by gambling.

Statement of Licensing Policy

Torfaen County Borough Council, in its role as the Licensing Authority under the Gambling Act 2005, is required before each successive period of three years, to prepare and publish a statement of the principles that it proposes to apply when exercising its functions under the Act during that period.

The Council is in the process of reviewing its current statement of Gambling Principles, with a view to publishing a new statement by January 2025.  The draft Statement of Gambling Principles can be viewed here. 

If you wish to make comments, you can do so in writing by emailing or by post to Licensing Team, Civic Centre, Pontypool, NP4 6YB.  All comments in relation to the draft Statement of Gambling Principles must be received no later than Friday 6th September 2024.

Child Sexual Exploitation - Know the signs

To help keep children safe Heddlu Gwent Police are again urging members of the public to be vigilant about this kind of criminality, and to contact them by dialling 101 or 999 in an emergency with any information they may have. To help members of the public recognise the signs of exploitation and abuse Gwent Police have published a web page.

The Police would rather hear from concerned members of the public who report issues which turn out not to be Child sexual exploitation (CSE), than not be called at all.

Fee Information

A list of Licence Fees for licences in Torfaen is available here. 

Information for public and business 

The Gambling Commission have published the following guidance: 

Sector Specific Guidance

Pubs, Clubs and Unlicensed premises

Conditions and Codes of Practice

How to apply

Applications and relevant documentation can be submitted by email to

All applications must be fully completed and include a contact telephone number. Once the application is received, the applicant will be contacted to arrange for payment to be made. Please note that applications will not be deemed as valid until payment has been received. If an application needs to be submitted in person, please contact the team to make an appointment.


Please Note - Torfaen County Borough Council (The Council) is under a duty to protect the public funds which it administers and to this end may use the information you provide within Torfaen County Borough Council for the prevention and detection of fraud. The Council may also share this information with other bodies administering or in receipt of public funds solely for these purposes. For further information, visit the National Fraud Initiative area of the website. 

Last Modified: 04/07/2024
For more information contact:

Licensing Team

Tel: 01633 647286


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