Animal Movement Licences

In the aftermath of the Foot and Mouth outbreak, a rigorous Animal Health regime of licensing was introduced to control the keeping and movement of a range of animals.

Our Animal Health function is delivered by the Public Health Team, who also deal with Animal Movement Licenses in Torfaen - their contact details are:

Tel: 01633 647622

Animal Holdings

Any person keeping or wanting to keep cattle, sheep, goats or pigs must apply to the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for a holding number.

When this number is received the animals can be moved onto or off the premises via the method described on the EU Regulation on the non-commercial movement of pet animals area of the DEFRA website.

Animal Movements

All movements of cattle, deer, sheep, goats and pigs are now controlled by a general licence. Bio security measures apply to all holdings to which animals are moved, and a standstill period applies where certain animals must be kept in one location after being moved so that any disease can be identified and dealt with.

The conditions which apply to these movement restrictions vary according to the type of animal, the destination, the type of trip and the latest information on diseases etc. This means that these conditions are constantly being altered, so it is important that you make yourself aware of the latest conditions when applying for a movement licence.

Information regarding animal movement licences is available on the Animal Health area of the DEFRA website.

Last Modified: 05/12/2018
For more information contact:

Animal Health

Tel: 01633 647622


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