Register Office location and contact details

Pontypool Register Office

Civic Centre
NP4 6YB 

Tel No: 01495 742132
Fax No: 01495 742203 

Hours of Opening

Monday to Thursday  -  9:00 - 17:00 
Friday  -  9:00 - 16:30

Registration of Births & Deaths by Appointment
Marriage & Civil Partnership Notices by Appointment

The Grange University Hospital Outstation

NP44 8YN

Hours of Opening

Monday to Thursday  -  9:00 - 17:00 
Friday  -  9:00 - 16:30

Registration of Births & Deaths - Strictly by appointment only

Out of Office Hours / Help in an emergency

If you need to contact us urgently (outside normal office opening hours) for any of the following reasons:

  • an urgent issue with a ceremony due to take place imminently
  • a burial required within 24 hours
  • an urgent marriage or civil partnership (where one party is seriously ill and not expected to recover)

Then please call Torfaen emergency out of hours service on 01495 762200 who will arrange for a member of the Registration Team to contact you directly.

Last Modified: 14/05/2021
For more information contact:


Tel: 01495 742132


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