Valleys Voices Podcast
Valleys Voices podcast is about you, about me, about us.
Presenters from the Community Cohesion team meet people living in the Gwent Valleys to explore how a sense of place can unite diverse communities.
Sean Wharton
Sean Wharton – Ex-professional footballer and businessman Sean talks about challenging racism in sport.
Noah Nyle
Noah Nyle – Transgender male Noah talks about his personal journey and being an LGBTQ+ advocate.
Emily Parker
Emily Parker – Sports enthusiast Emily Parker talks about being a gay women in Rugby.
Nataliia Tatarenko
Nataliia Tatarenko - Ukrainian Refugee sharing her experiences of living in South Wales.
Return to Ukraine
Nataliia Tatarenko - Ukrainian Refugee talks about returning to visit her home in war-torn Ukraine.
Holocaust Memorial
Harry Spiro - Survivor of the Holocaust and his story is shared by his daughter Tracy.
You can also listen to the Valleys Voices podcast on Spotify, Apple iTunes and Anchor.
Follow #ValleysVoices for updates on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Last Modified: 19/01/2024
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